As told by Mahdal Abidiin of the Schism #
“Welcome to my haven, Childe. Though not as spacious as many I’ve had and seen in the past, it serves its purposes well. What purpose is that, you ask? Quite simple, Childe.”
“It serves as a place to let me teach you what you need to know in these final nights. I am Mahdal Abidiin, of the Vizier Caste, and part of the Camarilla. I have been sent by one who wishes all those new to the blood, and some who, while experienced in the lies told by our former enemies, need to learn what has transpired in these last few centuries that have so shattered what once was whole.”
“I shall not begin at the beginning, boring you to tears of blood with tales of our ancient Ancestor, but I shall tell you of nights closer to your time, and the time of those who now do not know where to place their loyalties.”
“Know that there are Four Sects. There is the Camarilla, which hides behind lies centuries old to protect humanity from both our kind and the other mortals. Which observes Traditions much like our own, which came from our Ancestor. I would also speak of the Ashirra, but that is something unique to our homeland and does not play a part in the grander scheme of our cause. For now, anyways.”\
“The next is the Sabbat, those who alternately lie and claim to speak naught but the truth in the same breath. Theirs is the path of destruction, of war and hatred never before seen in a group of the undead. Their obsessions with the Blood is beyond understanding, but their dedication is admirable only in that they are capable of so much destruction and have not brought about a second inquisition upon us all. Those of our family who have chosen this path hold true to a mockery of our ancient traditions, if they know of them at all.”
“Then, there are those who claim Anarchy as their shield and cause. While certainly worthy of some respect, I have often seen their causes shift with the winds, and then they claim to want to tear down the system when things get hot under the collar. Martyrs are respected only for their rarity. Consider the Anarchs to be a group of such.”
“And last, while not a sect in their own right, are the Independents. Known to your Elders as Autarkis. If an “Independent” arrives in your home city, and refers to himself as Autarkis, respect him for his wisdom. He has lived that long for a reason.”
“Then, there are the factions, if I must use the word, within our collective Blood. Both you and I fall within the Schismatic movement. Let none outside our clan know of that word if possible, and should they speak it, pretend ignorance and inform your Elders. Our dispute is not for the mockery of the other Clans.”
“We Schismatics believe in certain things. We chose our path away from Alamut because we could not bear the thought of placing anyone above the god’s we worshipped. While many of us cling to Islam as our guiding principle, many others are Jews and Christians as well. Any who refused to submit to Ur- Shulgi and place Haqim above all else we placed our faith in. And so, each of us had to make that choice. Our Faith in God or our faith in Haqim. It was not an easy choice, but in the end, we chose exile over submission. It is true we still believe in the Laws of Haqim, for us though his teachings are our guiding principles to live our lives. It is not our religion and faith that calls us. In our self-imposed exile, we needed those who would take us in, a new home if you will. The Ashirra were too close to our home to offer us any chance of a new beginning. No, we fled farther west until we reached the shores of the Camarilla. Tonight, the fate of all members of the Schism is linked to the Camarilla. We have made it our home in exile and support it as our Elders demand of us. It seems we have lived among the Camarilla for so long now there is a growing number of fledglings who have never known Alamut and only the ways of the Camarilla. I fear if we are not careful to remember who we are and our history, we shall lose our focus and faith that drove us here.
“Those who remained at our Clan’s ancient home in the mountains seek the strictest path, and follow the harsh Path of Blood. They are those among our clan who choose to place Haqim above all others in their beliefs. It is they who serve Ur-Shulgi. They are still our family, even if we do not agree with them. For them there is no way but submission to Haqim and the clan’s ancient war against all Kindred. I do not hate them, for they are of my blood. Theirs is the ancient ways of the clan. Never forget where we come from, but remember as well. Haqim left Alamut for a reason.
And then, there are those who simply chose not to choose. Those who have dispossessed themselves of the Split within our Clan. They are by far the largest group of our clan. Those who have chosen to remove themselves from the Jyhad. It is even said the legendary Fatima Al-Faqadi walks among them. Though they are by no means unified, they do seem to keep a loose connection with one another at times. Some do involve themselves in Kindred politics, but wish to have no place in the internal struggles of our clan. As with any of the blood, I respect their choice and leave them to walk their paths.
Finally, you have those who call themselves the Unconquered. They who have chosen the path of the beast, the ways of the Sabbat. When first our clan was cast down by the Tremere, it was they who could not accept it. They were the first to choose exile over submission. Theirs is a history that goes back nearly five centuries. Never forget though, those of Haqim’s children who walk among the Sabbat are some of the deadliest and violent kindred whom walk the earth. Tread carefully when you met one, he may not have the same respect for you as you would show him.
“And lastly Childe, before we part ways for the evening, know that though I am of the Camarilla and thus I choose to place my faith in Allah above all else and have taken the Ivory Tower as my home… I shall instruct you in what you shall need no matter your choice.”
“After all, since you were embraced against your will, it is the only real choice you shall ever have.” “Choose wisely…”